Pizza Marathon Day 2, Pizza 2: Green Pizza

2009 December 3
Neglecting pizza for HOES application

Neglecting pizza for HOES application

Erin and I had dawdled far too long, and had yet to turn in our HOES applications.  So last night we took them to Homeslice and dutifully filled them out while waiting for our pizza.

For the first time that I can recall, we chose a repeat of the famous green pizza: green peppers, green olives, basil, spinach, extra cheese, artichoke hearts, garlic and half anchovies.  We usually avoid green peppers, but they added a juicy crunch to the otherwise rich but somewhat soggy pizza.  The whole thing tasted amazing.

The applications sorta stumped us.  We had a hard time deciding between answering honestly or humorously.  For instance, should Erin put that she graduated Cum Laude from college or that she won a hula hoop contest when she was 12?  She wisely chose the latter.

It was a nice way to pass the time, and we got so engrossed that we ignored the hot pizza for a few minutes while we finished up.  That was a shame, it was a damn good pizza.

This pizza also felt different.  I stepped back and realized how awesome this pizza deal is, and how I better not lose the competition.  It’s become just a part of my life, but now that there’s a (slim) chance it might not be, I have come to appreciate it more.  I will stand strong.

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